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Loyalty Rewards, Customer Experience, Restaurants

Three Effective Tactics to Get Restaurant Loyalty Guests to Follow Your Social Media

Posted on July 11, 2024

Three Effective Tactics to Get Restaurant Loyalty

Guests to Follow Your Social Media



How do you get your loyalty program members to follow your restaurant on social media? Here are three effective tactics to boost your social media following and maximize engagement with your most loyal guests.

1. Direct Communication: SMS & Email Campaigns

The first and most obvious tactic is to directly communicate with your loyalty members. Sending a simple SMS or email can make a significant impact. Here’s how to do it:

Crafting the Message:

  • Send personalized messages asking your loyalty members to follow your restaurant on social media.
  • Example: “Hey [Customer Name], do you follow us on Instagram? Stay updated with our latest offers and delicious menu updates!”

By diversifying the content of your communications, you ensure that not every message is about rewards and offers. This approach keeps your loyalty members engaged and interested in your restaurant's broader activities.

2. Onboarding Reminder: Seamless Integration

As part of your loyalty program's onboarding process, it’s essential to remind new members to follow your social media channels. Once they’ve signed up, send one last onboarding message:

Final Onboarding Message:

  • Example: “Welcome to our loyalty program! Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates and exclusive promotions.”

This gentle nudge at the end of the onboarding process ensures that social media follow-up becomes a seamless part of joining your loyalty program.

3. Engaging Contests: Social Media Awareness

Running contests on your social media platforms is an excellent way to raise awareness of your rewards program and engage with your followers. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Planning the Contest:

  • Create contests that require participants to follow your social media pages and share the contest post to enter.
  • Offer attractive prizes like bonus loyalty points or special redemption offers.

Promotion Strategy:

  • Send an email to your loyalty database with details about the contest.
  • Example: “We’re excited to announce our latest social media contest! Follow us on [Social Media Platform] and share our contest post for a chance to win 500 bonus loyalty points!”

By making social media the entry point for your contests, you drive traffic to your social channels and increase your following.

By implementing these three tactics, you can significantly increase your restaurant’s social media following while simultaneously keeping your loyal customers engaged and well-informed. By actively involving your loyal guests on social media, you not only enhance your relationship with them but also expand your restaurant's online presence and visibility.  Implement these tactics today and watch your social media following—and your customer loyalty—grow.

Want to learn how to successfully implement these tactics in your restaurant? Schedule a demo with us.