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Enhancing the Ready Loyalty Customer Experience

Written by Jorge Perdomo | November 22, 2022

Enhancing the Ready Loyalty Customer Experience 

In this post, we’ll give you some tips on how to implement an effective loyalty experience with Ready’s built-in branding options. For information on why loyalty is important for digital ordering, you can read our entries on Contactless Technology & Loyalty Power the In-store Experience and Converting Marketplace Orders to Direct Orders


First and foremost, you need to make sure your customers are aware that you have a great loyalty program for them to join. To get them to join and really use your loyalty program make sure the following stand out:

  • Leverage the QR/NFC kiosk to call out loyalty to incentivize sign-ins/sign-ups before starting the order or at least being top-of-mind since the very beginning of the ordering experience to sign-up at check-out. 
  • You must take advantage of all the real estate at all the different touchpoints to drive customers to sign-up/sign into their loyalty program. Choose to add point callouts on the menu as people are selecting their orders. Depending on your campaign, for example, you can have double points on certain items to compel drive conversions.
  • In your digital ordering marketing communication emails make sure you’re prompting customers to sign-up for loyalty. In turn, in your rewards notifications emails, call out to customers about the need to sign in whenever possible.
  • Bear in mind that if you have a separate brand website, make sure your rewards pieces are as explicit as the online ordering pieces. Moreover, if you have a ‘join e-club’ option, switch it to ‘join rewards’ as your loyalty program is what will really get you a bang for your buck. 
  • Think of an explicit sign-up promotion, such as a BOGO or $5 dollars off the first purchase. This can also be very compelling.

Go to your Ready Dashboard and with a few simple-to-follow steps, you can start building an effective and seamless loyalty user experience that will allow you to increase engagement with your program. Consider that when you highlight loyalty in your UI, you can easily improve the usage of your program by 400%!


Ready gives you the ability to easily create tags in your own brand dashboard to activate loyalty in different menu items. Let’s first define what a tag is and how they work:

With tags, first, define and group the menu items that will be eligible for loyalty. For example, add a new tag with the name “Eligible for Spendgo loyalty” to items like Bacon Turkey Club Sandwich and  BLT Sandwich. In this manner these items will remain eligible for loyalty and rewards will show up in the menu UI. Make sure you create an easy-to-remember Short Code for every tag you create. See the graphic example below:


With Ready, you can choose to display rewards or promotions that correspond to the menu items you’ve defined as part of a current campaign. You will display them as badges. For example, you may want to highlight a menu item within your loyalty program - you can create a badge add the badge name, and description, and even customize its color. Before finalizing your badge, take a look at the preview so you’re satisfied with it. Here’s a screenshot of how you can create a new badge in your dashboard:Here is a graphic example of how a badge would look in your UI:

Quickly Manage Tags & Badges

Here’s how badges and tags would look in your UI for a specific item chosen:


To manage your tags and badges, go to “Menu” in your dashboard and scroll down to “Tags & Badges”. Here you’ll be able to review all of the ones you’ve created, edit, add or remove. When building out your menu items, you can add tags and badges you’ve previously created, and choose the ones that you want to be applicable to your loyalty program campaign:The more enticing your points/promotion-eligible food and menu item images are, the stronger the hook for conversion!

Educating  the customer

A critical aspect is educating your loyalty members on how to use the rewards program in Ready. Here are a few tips on how to best do this: 

  • Make a fast and simple video demo on how to use the rewards in Ready with a screen capture recorder. Easily do this with a screen video capture recorder like your phone or personal computer. 
  • Be sure to make step-by-step written instructions shared with your members. This should be in accordance with the demo video. 
  • Be sure to share the video demo with your customer support team so they can send it to customers when they have questions and make it part of your online FAQ. 
  • Make your reward/offer descriptions clear so that guests quickly know if any rules apply Example, if there is a  minimum purchase required to use an offer, try to incorporate it in the offer name (i.e. $5 off, on purchases $25 or more).

Want to learn more about powering loyalty and customer engagement with Ready or are interested in talking to one of our Ready + Spendgo certified agency partners to build a budget-friendly and even better experience? Talk to one of our CX rockstars at Spendgo